Friday, November 18, 2005

Gearing Up for the First Day

This is my first blog. I'm sitting here staring at a blank page. I so love to journal about the daily-ness of our lives (simple things that trigger great memories- so simple they are quickly forgotten unless I've written them down). But between figuring out this thing, this"blog-whatever" and paying attention to Mr. Mighty Hunter here, I don't know what to write. SO much to write. SO little time. Mr. M.H. is walking around, headlamp on, asking me if we have almonds and eating Rolaids. He's turned off the lights to adjust the hue of his headlamp and is showing me the different colors on the wall. No, it's not Dodger. I guess it would be frightening or weird if Dodger were eating antacids. Tomorrow is opening day of rifle season, did I say that right? And Troy is gearing up. He is warned not to wake me up at 3:00 AM tomorrow morning. I'm going to wrap up this post so I can get to the fun stuff...picture posting. This could be addicting...

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